If you aren't yet accepting credit cards, now you can. Easily and with 100% acceptance*!

Having your own merchant account is crucial!

In today's business world, you simply MUST have a way to easily accept payments from your customers!

But many small businesses have trouble gaining acceptance to their own merchant account.

Not any more!

That's where ICAN GoMerchant™ offered by SMART BENEFITS comes in!

We GUARANTEE acceptance* so that YOU can start accepting credit card payments either in your store, on your website, or even over the phone!

(And if you have a website and you are currently processing credit cards through a third party, you need to realize that is damaging your credibility! Many potential buyers will see your site with suspicion if you do not have your own merchant account.)

All sites are accepted except amoral sites and adult sites.

There's no risk, and you pay nothing to get started. This is a no brainer!

Here's how it works:

Simply fill out our simple application.

Then, our Account Executives will review your application and contact you right away to complete the account setup process.

It's that easy.

Already have a merchant account? No problem... Just apply to find out how much you can save!

Already have your own equipment? No problem... Keep it and use it seamlessly with our program!

Don't already have your own equipment? No problem! We'll set you up completely!

We can even set you up with Loyalty and Gift Cards! Just let us know on the application!

Easy and Fast!

The ICAN GoMerchant™ Merchant Account service marketed by SMART BENEFITS is hands down the easiest and most affordable way stay on start accepting payments from your customers and clients. Find out how much you can be saving today!



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